398002, Lipetsk city, Zegelya street, 25a Phone: +7 (4742) 72-42-81 Mon-Fri : 9:00am - 6:00pm

The perspective direction of the Department's activity is the justification of new guidelines in educational policy, integration of scientific, personnel, educational-methodical and material-technical potential. The Department of commodity and technological disciplines is one of the structural divisions of the Lipetsk Institute of cooperation (branch) of Autonomous non-profit higher education organization "Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law" ("BUCEL”).

The Department was founded on September 2, 2002.

The main goal of the Department is to improve the quality of the educational process.

The main task of the team is to train highly qualified specialists who have practical skills in the field of commercial activity, forming an assortment and examination of the quality of goods, organizing production and service at public catering enterprises.

The Department carries out educational, research, methodological and informational activities in the field of commodity science, product quality management, and catering technology at all levels of education.

Teachers of the Department are actively engaged in scientific work on current areas of the Institute scientific schools work: 

  • "Managing organizations as non-profit entities";
  • "Improvement of consumer cooperation activities in the conditions of market relations".

The teachers’ research work results are achievements in the field of commodity science and of public catering products technology.

Teachers of the Department conduct scientific seminars and practical research, publish scientific monographs, textbooks and teaching AIDS, articles in scientific journals, take part in international and all-Russian scientific conferences, as well as, in various programs and projects.

Specialized classrooms equipped with thematic stands and specialized equipment are fixed to the Department of commodity and technological disciplines:

AUD. No.6-cabinet of culinary and confectionery production technological equipment; training culinary shop (laboratory); training confectionery shop (laboratory).

AUD. No.7- laboratory of chemistry; laboratory of microbiology; laboratory of sanitation and hygiene.

AUD. No. 20 - workshop: training shop; workshop: training warehouse; laboratory of technical equipment of trade organizations; logistics laboratory.

AUD. No. 32- laboratory of commodity science and expertise of non-food products; laboratory of metrology and standardization.

AUD. No.36 -  cabinet of metrology and standardization; cabinet of commercial activity.

All classrooms have: technical training tools: a multimedia projector, a screen for a multimedia projector.


Zegelya str, 25A, K. 36/1.

Phone: 72-42-81

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