Upbringing as a top priority has become an organic component of the pedagogical activity of the Lipetsk Institute of cooperation, integrated into the overall process of training and development of future specialists. The Institute administration, represented by the Director of the Institute, Professor Buneeva R.I., actively supports upbringing initiatives and creates all necessary conditions for conducting educational work.
The main goal of upbringing activities at the Institute is the formation, development and formation of the student's personality-a future specialist who combines high education, deep professional knowledge, skills, active citizenship, broad outlook, humanism, love and respect for national history, culture and traditions.
The main principles in accordance with which upbringing work is carried out at the Institute are:
- humanistic orientation and purposefulness of the upbringing process;
- organization of upbringing during the educational process;
- combination of high demands on the individual with respect for individual’ dignity and individual’ care for;
- organization of upbringing in the educational team and through the team;
- individual and differentiated approach to the object of upbringing ;
- consistency and continuity in upbringing;
- comprehensive and optimal approach;
- reliance on positive upbringing.
Upbringing work at the Institute is carried out in the following areas: aesthetic, spiritual and moral, civil and patriotic, legal, professional, environmental education and the formation of healthy lifestyle.
Much attention is paid to the spiritual and moral upbringing of students based on the values of Orthodox culture, which have common spiritual roots with basic cooperative values and principles.
Close and long-term cooperation of the Institute with the Lipetsk Holy Dormition monastery creates conditions for participation of students and teachers of the Institute in joint charity and volunteer actions. Personal participation of the Professor of theology, Abbot of the monastery Abbot Mitrofan in many events held at the Institute, creates special beneficial atmosphere of family warmth and comfort.
The essence of professional education and upbringing at the Institute is to introduce students to professional activities and related social functions in accordance with their specialty and skill level. For this purpose, regular meetings and "round tables" with practitioners are held, and excursions to the leading enterprises of the city and region are organized.
Special attention is paid to introducing students, teachers and employees to cultural values, developing aesthetic taste and engaging in active cultural activities. This is facilitated by organized visits to museums and exhibitions, cultural trips to the theater and concerts.
All-round development of the student's personality is helped by creative studios formed at the Institute in the following areas: pop and choral singing, choreography, modern dance, KVN and original genre. The creative team of the University is an active and integral participant in events of various levels and directions.
Civil and Patriotic education of students of the Institute is aimed at forming the students' civil position and Patriotic consciousness, modern scientific worldview, legal awareness of students, everyone's readiness to fight for the strengthening of public discipline and law and order, activation of the civil position.
In order to prevent offenses, students regularly meet with law enforcement officials.
Much attention is paid to healthy lifestyle. Various activities are being carried out to prevent HIV, drug addiction, alcohol, and smoking. We work together with specialists of the AIDS Centre. There is a lecture hall "Health": conversations, discussions, role-playing games with the participation of students, trainings, solving situational problems, all this is of great help with the choice of healthy lifestyle.
Significant role is played by the Institute sports and recreation work, promotion of physical cul-ture. There are sports sections. Students of the Institute take part in annual sports events "Cross nation", "Universiade", "Spartakiad". They also participate in Interinstitutional city and region competitions.